Outside Air and (vs) Exhaust Air – An important relationship in the indoor building environment

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The correct outside-air airflow being brought into a building through the air conditioning systems and or a designated outside air conditioning unit is important for a couple reasons.

1. To maintain a healthier indoor environment by keeping the CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels lower in the building, which helps to reduces fatigue.

2. When outside-air airflow is set correctly in relation to the exhaust-air airflow in the building, it maintains a positive building pressure which in turn keeps contaminants and humidity (water vapor) ...

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It is very beneficial to maintain your air conditioning system.  It is much the same as maintaining a car in that you can pay now – or you can pay later.  Like a car, your system can break down at the most inopportune time such as in the middle of a hot summer night or a holiday when it is the most expensive time for a repair.

We recommend that inspections be performed at least twice a year. During this inspection ...

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Its with heavy heart…

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Its with heavy heart we say good bye to our long time employee and friend Steven H Hansen. Steven worked as a job foreman for many years than progressed to our full time graphics and program designer. Steven worked on and off with Future Controls since the early 90’s. Steven was a great asset to the company and will surely be ...

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