INET (I/net) Solutions

INET Solutions


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Does your project require a inet to EBO dongle? “Help! I have this thing and don’t know how to wire it!” Have no worries look below at the picture. Host lan + terminates into the #2 port, host lan – terminates into #3 port. Remember to set baud rate the same as the sublan. **NOTE** update the dongle firmware. if you have any questions call our office and ask for Michael. SXWUSBADP10001

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Indepth customer and end user training Future-Does-That-Too

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Future Controls inc.held a week long training course in Oklahoma City for one of our special customers. “EcoStruxure:  Workstation  Knowledge  and  Reinforcement”  training  workshop. Train our customers and end users to utilize the product to its complete capability, Future Does That Too.

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A Quick Iphone Screencap of our controls in use with our mobile app

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Nothing new, but showing off our simple but very functional and easy to use mobile app for one our customers sites HVAC controls. They get much fancier and detailed when requested, very customizable with our in house talent. HVAC, Access Controls, IP/CCTV all in one can be integrated into this app, all provided by Future Controls inc. A great tool for a facility manager, property and or business owner. ...

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INET – System running slower than expected?

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An INET control system running INET software is normally a quick responding system where accessing point data happens within a few seconds. However, occasionally we run into systems  that seem to be running slower than expected – in rare instances, we have experienced systems that take up to 45 seconds or more to access data.

Here are a few examples of what you might experience if your system isn’t fully optimized:

A. Logging into a controller or saving a database (LIU’s are the exception) ...

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